As responsible grantmakers, we make sure that SFE’s support goes to grantees whose work advances practice in each of our interest areas, improves our understanding of the key challenges we face, and presents potential solutions.
If there’s one thing that we know is a prerequisite for running an effective program, it’s having the right administrative structures in place to keep things up and running.
Last month, Thea Charles (SFE’s Head of Knowledge and Impact) joined panelists at NYU’s Wagner Graduate School of Public Service for a discussion on social change and philanthropy.
We believe that strengthening the nonprofit sector as a whole through practicing Effective Philanthropy can happen through supporting individual organizations, sharing lessons with others, and engaging our peers to learn about best practices.
As we reflect on one of our most involved grantee relationships to date, we’ve compiled some of our key takeaways in order to take stock, and to guide future collaborations.
We recently started working with Feedback Labs, an organization dedicated to helping philanthropies, aid organizations, and non-profits learn from their grantees’ feedback and become more responsive to their needs.