Our latest grants reaffirm our commitment to building a more inclusive technological future by supporting comprehensive research, shaping human-centered policies, and fostering community-driven innovation to ensure these advancements benefit everyone.
Eleanor Tursman, a Siegel Fellow from 2022 to 2024, serves as an Emerging Technologies Researcher at The Aspen Institute, focusing on the intersection of novel technologies, public education, and public policy. They recently sat down with Siegel Emerging Tech Advisor Eryk Salvaggio to discuss their journey and work on AI primers, literacy, and interdisciplinary approaches to ecosystem change
How can we build a resilient public interest technology movement that withstands shifts in administration and power? Siegel President & Executive Director Katy Knight lays out her vision for change in her latest article as a Forbes Nonprofit Council member.
During this year's United Nations High-Level Week, we hosted Tech Together - a gathering of 200+ funders, mission-aligned investors, and thought leaders for a full-day event aimed at inspiring new ideas and catalyzing partnerships to shape the next evolution of a global public interest tech network. Watch featured panels and speakers, and read out takeaways.
AI tools can be used to generate content, but only humans can generate context. In an age full of systems designed for scale and demanding the rapid processing of data, local institutions can help preserve meaningful context for their communities.
The U.S. National Science Foundation announced an inaugural investment of more than $18 million to 44 multidisciplinary, multi-sector teams across the U.S. through the NSF Responsible Design, Development and Deployment of Technologies (NSF ReDDDoT) program.
Featured on Working Nation's Work in Progress podcast, Josh Elder, vice president and head of grantmaking for Siegel Family Endowment, discusses the importance of tech connectivity in creating access and opportunity to jobs in rural America and the overall impact technology is having on society, education, and the way we do our jobs.
It’s so easy to get caught up in the grind at this midpoint of the year. At Siegel, we’ve been immersed in pushing our grantmaking forward and executing the strategy refresh we designed and rolled out at the beginning of the year.
Throughout 2024, Aspen Digital, with Siegel funding, has been leading the conversation with newsroom and publishing leaders, AI executives and technologists, and other experts on how the news media might experiment with AI tools, while adhering to journalistic values and business imperatives. Read the resulting insights and recommendations.
The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy convened leaders across the technology ecosystem to celebrate the important role of government technologists, and to highlight efforts to build a robust, inclusive technology landscape that works for everyone in America.
A techno-pragmatist view recognizes the ubiquity and possibility of technology while acknowledging its limitations and those of the ecosystem that creates it. Read the latest from Katy Knight in Impact Alpha
Read the final installment of Siegel Emerging Technology Consultant Eryk Salvaggio’s series on the relationships between images, their archives, and datasets.