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February 1, 2023/Research

Automated and algorithmic management is already here, invisibly shaping job quality for U.S. workers

Siegel Research Fellow Kathryn Zickuhr on how automation and algorithmic decision-making is already affect U.S. workers, from recruitment and hiring to throughout workplace environments.

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December 2, 2022/Research

Leveraging Digital and Social Infrastructure for Economic Inclusion: A New Report from New Growth Innovation Network

NGIN set out on a project that entailed desk research, stakeholder engagement interviews with national experts as well as local and regional leaders from digital equity focused organizations, wealth creation organizations, and community-based organizations.

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November 21, 2022/Research

Scale through Program Design: Lessons from Alternative Finance for Workplace Training

This is part of our “Designed for Scale” series, which explores how we can design and fund programs that are prepared for the challenges of…

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November 21, 2022/Research

Scale Through Networks: Connecting Workers to Innovation 

As we continue our series on scale, we turn to the challenge of bringing workers like these closer to decisions around innovation.

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November 21, 2022/Research

Designed for Scale: Growth from the Outset, not as an Afterthought

What happens when scale is the part of the goal, rather than a fortunate result?  Achieving impact at scale is a perennial challenge across the…

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November 17, 2022/Reflections, Research

AI as Multidimensional Infrastructure

When we look at AI through its components and relationships, we can identify discrete but overlapping physical, social, and digital infrastructures.

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November 16, 2022/Research

Taking it Down to the Studs: Information Infrastructures in Need of Deconstruction 

Even with a renewed focus on maintenance and repair, we are often overlooking another possibility for infrastructuring: deconstruction. 

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November 16, 2022/Research

Meet Our 2022-2023 Siegel Research Fellows

Siegel Family Endowment is thrilled to introduce the 2022-2023 cohort of researchers, academics, and public policy experts who make up the foundation’s Siegel Research Fellows Program.

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November 15, 2022/Research

A Lookback on the Pilot Cohort of our Siegel Research Fellows 2021-2022

The inaugural cohort of impressive researchers and academics produced publications presented and workshopped their research at monthly research seminars, and even published a book during their time as Siegel Research Fellows.

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November 15, 2022/Research

A New Era for Siegel’s Tech Policy

At Siegel, we recognize that the development and deployment of technology is shaped by public policy.

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October 6, 2022/From Our Grantees, Research

Case Study: Inclusive Innovation Cycle in Manufacturing in Buffalo, NY

Technological innovation is rapidly changing the manufacturing sector. While the benefits have the potential to be far-reaching, they are not equitably shared.

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