Interest Area


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Our Thinking

The internet and emerging technologies have changed the way we engage with one another and our institutions, and reshaped elements that underpin our civil society. The choices and values driving the building and maintenance of our infrastructure shape our future. It’s essential that we rethink how to define, design, govern, and fund it. We apply our multidimensional framework for infrastructure to deliver positive community outcomes and address the urgent challenges facing American society. 

Strong communities require just and equitable infrastructure – and just and equitable infrastructure require engaged communities. Yet, as a result of excluding the social and physical spheres, inequities persist in the design of digital services and accessibility of those services. How might we increase the meaningful participation and agency of communities to shape the development, deployment, use, and stewardship of the digital infrastructures upon which they rely?

Our Inquiry Areas

We prioritize practices that empower communities in co-creating sustainable digital, social, and physical infrastructure centered on their unique values, needs, and aspirations. 

Inquiry Area

Public Interest Technology

With the increasing prevalence of digital technologies in our lives, there must also be intentional efforts to ensure that our society’s priorities and aspirations are reflected across its lifecycle. We work with policy-makers, technologists, researchers, and educators to ensure that the design, deployment, and use of technologies are leveraged in a way that advances the public interest. Our grantees use technology to enhance delivery of government services and strengthen public institutions, imagine solutions that address a community’s needs, and critically examine technology’s impact on civic life.

Inquiry Area

Beyond Connectivity

Inequities persist not only in access to effective digital services, but in the quality of peoples’ experiences online and the ways in which those experiences shape offline communities and physical spaces. These disparities – in connectivity, reliable information, knowledge, opportunities, resources, government services, and more – result in a lack of connectedness and participation in vibrant, healthy communities. We prioritize practices that empower communities in co-creating sustainable digital, social, and physical infrastructures centered on their unique values, needs, and aspirations.

Inquiry Area

Technology Policy

Just as values are inherent in the design, development, and deployment of technology, we recognize that our democratic values should also inform and guide the shaping and implementation of our technology policy. Our interest in policy research seeks to support and empower academics, scholars, researchers, and others who bring a public interest lens to this difficult endeavor of technology policymaking.

Highlighted Grantees

Code the Dream

The ultimate aim of Code the Dream is to create a unique win-win, where our coders gain real experience building apps that make the world a better place, and then use that experience to launch new careers with life-changing opportunities for themselves, their families, and their communities.

Public Interest Tech Fund

The Fund is a shared space for philanthropists to leverage one another’s expertise, incubate investment strategies to advance visionary concepts, and catalyze big ideas that can transform the use of technology to serve the public interest.

The Bell

The Bell equips New York City students with the tools to tell impactful stories today and the skills to thrive in the media careers of tomorrow.

Infrastructure Insights

Big Ideas | Case Studies | From Our Grantees
Introducing our Public Interest Technology Case Studies

Siegel Family Endowment is committed to advancing a vision of technological change that includes and improves the lives of all…

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Big Ideas | Case Studies | From Our Grantees
Introducing Our BRIC Case Studies 

The Black River Innovation Campus (BRIC) in Springfield, Vermont, is a powerful example of community-driven innovation in a rural community…

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Reflections | Research
AI as Multidimensional Infrastructure

When we look at AI through its components and relationships, we can identify discrete but overlapping physical, social, and digital…

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